Enduring the Emotional Divorce Process

person taking off wedding ring over divorce papers

Enduring the Emotional Divorce Process

Divorce is an inherently emotional process. No matter how much you want your marriage to end, you will undoubtedly be battling a whole range of emotions, some of which may even conflict with one another. You may feel depressed one minute and relieved the next, making this emotional roller coaster deeply disruptive to daily life. However, knowing what to expect can help you more effectively navigate it.

The 5 Emotional Stages of Divorce

Much like grief unravels in stages as one processes their feelings and learns to cope and accept their loss, divorce similarly involves different emotional stages.

Here are the 5 emotional stages of divorce:

  1. Denial: If you did not initiate your divorce, you will likely spend a considerable amount of time in the denial stage. When people are in denial, they are able to distance themselves from the reality they are trying to avoid. However, it is important not to stay in this stage for too long and to respond to the divorce papers in a timely manner.
  1. Anger: No matter who initiated the divorce, anger is often a common emotion felt by both parties. You might blame your spouse for what went wrong in the marriage and vice versa. Just make sure you do turn your divorce into a mission for revenge.
  1. Bargaining: If you initiated the divorce, you might struggle with this stage and feel a lot of guilt and doubt. As a result, you will likely find yourself going back and forth a lot when it comes to your decisions.
  1. Depression: The depression stage is typically one of the most challenging. Ending a marriage, whether you initiated it or not, can feel like a death. Much like any other loss, you will probably spend a lot of time grieving your relationship. A therapist can help you work through these emotions.
  1. Acceptance: When you finally accept your divorce, you will also be able to look forward to the future and feel hope. There may still be some lingering negative feelings, but this stage is the start of creating a new and happier life for yourself. You may even find it empowering.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with Our Experienced Divorce Lawyer Today!

At Matthew Penick Law, our knowledgeable attorney is committed to guiding clients through the process of their divorce. Let our team work with you to protect your interests, so you can embrace the next chapter of your life.

Reach out to our law office today at (410) 618-0863 to schedule a free consultation.